Wednesday, February 21, 2007


"Histories are written by intellectuals, [NGO's, College Interns, Professors...], who generally give undue credit to other intellectuals [etc.] for making history. History is made by people who commit themselves, their lives, and their energies to the struggle." David Dellinger

After spending millions of dollars to Save Darfur we have instead killed four years and thousands of Darfuries in the process. Why? The Save Darfur strategy is... THERE IS NO SAVE DARFUR STRATEGY! Dave Dellinger can fill that gap. David Dellinger may be the greatest nonviolent revolutionary in the last 100 years: From DemocracyNow:Thursday, May 27th, 2004 Revolutionary Non-Violence: Remembering Dave Dellinger, 1915-2004. The central strategist for the civil rights movement and ending the war in vietnam. Extensive quotations from Dave outlining his vision of nonviolent change are now available at
David Dellinger Quotations.

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